You Can’t Touch This Food! Never… Ever…

What is the one food that you should go to your pantry and eliminate right now, right this very moment?

Don’t allow anyone you love to consume this food.

They are more deadly than sugar!

Eliminate Vegetable oils!

What Are Vegetable Oils?

Vegetable oils are extracted from seeds…

Like the rapeseed (canola oil) soybean (soybean oil), corn, sunflower, and safflower.

They are a manmade food…

Vegetable Oils did not exist until the 1900s.

You’re saying that all oils are manmade?

Yes and no…

Olive and coconut oil are pressed from these fruits…

Yes, coconut and olives are fruits.

Vegetable oils aren’t pressed but chemically removed from seeds.

They are the most chemically altered foods in our diets…

They are not healthy!

Shame on those that tout that they are!

Vegetable oils are found primarily in processed food…

Think salad dressings to mayonnaise.

These oils are the most harmful substances you can put into your body!

How Vegetable Oils are Made

Vegetable oils are manufactured in a factory…

And they are usually made from genetically modified crops…

They are filled with pesticides. 

For example, canola oil is made from a hybrid version of the rapeseed…

Rapeseed oil contains a toxin called erucic acid…

Erucic acid is considered a poison.

The rapeseed is heated and processed with a petroleum solvent…

This solvent extracts the oil.

Then it is heated again and an acid is applied to it…

This acid removes the toxins left behind from the petroleum solvent.

Then it’s treated with another chemical to lighten the oil’s color.

The oil that remains stinks…

So it needs to be chemically deodorized.

Then if they want to make it into a solid like margarine…

They have to hydrogenate it.

Hydrogenation creates trans fats.

Do you know Americans on average consume nearly 70 pounds?

We place 70 lb of this foreign substance into our bodies!

Let me explain why they are so bad for our bodies…

But before I do let me explain the three types of fats.

  • Mono fats, which means they have one weak link within their molecular chain.
  • Poly fats have many weak links in their molecular chain.
  • And Saturated Fats have no weak links within their molecular chain.

The fat content of our body is primarily made up of saturated fats and mono fats.

97% of our fat come from these 2 fats.

The other 3% of our fats are the omega 3s and Omega 6s.

That means 1.5% are omega 3s…

And the other 1.5% are Omega 6s.

Omega 3s reduce inflammation…

Omega 6s increase inflammation.

Vegetable oils are filled with Omega 6s.

We have replaced the stable saturated fats with these unstable polyunsaturated fats.

These weak poly fats have to be used to repair damage to our cellular membranes…

And these damaged cellular membranes become weaker…

Remember that Poly fats are very unstable…

And Saturated fats are very stable…

We end up with unstable cellular membranes.

And we’re told to replace our saturated fat intake with margarine and vegetable oils…

It almost sounds like a conspiracy to make us all sick and overweight.

Poly fats are also called PUFAs

PUFAs cause inflammation…

PUFAs cause cellular mutation…

Think, cancer!

These PUFAs also replace the saturated fats necessary for proper hormone production…

And we all know that we are nothing more than a reflection…

Of how hormonally balanced we are.

You’ve heard me talk about the balance found in our cellular membranes between Omega 3s and 6s.

Our ancestors had 1 to 1 ratios…

Vegetable oils have distorted the ratio of Omega 6s to a horrendous imbalance.

We have seen 50 to 1 ratios…

Think, cancer again!

Studies have also shown saturated fats produce the least number of cancers…

And PUFAs cause the most!

Studies also show that people that eat butter have fewer heart attacks

Then those that consume vegetable oils…

In fact, those that consume vegetable oils…

Have the most heart attacks.

Vegetable oils are also filled with BHA and BHT…

These are two major hormone disruptors…

There are dozens of other chemicals found within these vegetable oils.

Who knows what these chemicals will do to your body…

Oh, I do!


They will kill you eventually…

Vegetable oils also oxidize easily…

Meaning that we have to use our antioxidants to combat against these fats…

Avoid all vegetable Oils!

  • Canola Oil
  • Corn Oil
  • Soybean Oil
  • “Vegetable” oil
  • Peanut Oil
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Safflower Oil
  • Cottonseed Oil
  • Grapeseed Oil
  • Margarine
  • Shortening
  • Fake butter

Nearly all processed foods have one or more of these vegetable oils within them.

Remember to use coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and olive oil.


What are you waiting for?

Go throw all your vegetable oils away.

Don’t let anyone you love to consume them…

Not even your pets.

If you are too frugal to throw them away…

Vegetable oils make great floor cleaners.

If you need to lose 30 to 100 pounds?

If you cannot sleep if your life depended on it?

It does…

If your energy levels are on the floor instead of the ceiling…

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Doc Mac


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