Purification Protocol: The Mac Gut Optimization Protocol

By now, if you’ve been following me for any time, you know that there are 10 times more bacteria in and on your body than you have cells.

To have awesome hormones, which means to be awesome, you have to treat the bacteria, also called your microbiota, as if they were as important to you as your liver, which they are.

The Mac Gut Optimization Protocol is all about using our microbiota to assist with optimizing our hormones.

I like to begin at the beginning and end at the end.

That is why The Mac Gut Optimization Protocol Starts with the mouth.

Our mouth contains an estimated 10 billion bacteria.

We don’t want to sterilize our mouths.

We want oral bacteria.

We just want there to be a healthy balance.

And we want them to be hanging out in all the right places.

Once upon a time, I had a client who had lost 30 pounds and was really proud of herself.

We both agreed that she needed to lose another 10.

The problem was that it didn’t matter what diet we used from The Mac Diet Arsenal, she was stuck.

I figured that I needed to get her hormones in even a better place.

Her gonadal hormones were right where I wanted them.

I had worked for at least 2 months on her thyroid hormones.

She was still stuck.

She then called me up one day in a frantic.

She had been to her dentist and he had said that she had a severe periodontal disease.

She had pockets in between her teeth and her gums that had depths of 9 mm.

Anything more than 5 is bad!

I put her on The Mac Periodontal Protocol.

As her periodontal disease cleared up and it was amazing how quickly her pockets reduced, she began losing weight again.

She made it to ideal weight.

So why?

First, if she has a bacterial infection in her mouth, she is inflamed.

Inflammation is the primary disruptor of our hormones.

Second, if the microbiota in her mouth is on the bad side, the bacteria throughout her digestive system will be also.

So what did we have her do?

The first 2 are givens but she wasn’t doing them correctly or frequent enough.


First, choose a great material to floss with… Floss comes in two basic forms:

Multifilament Floss. This floss is made up of many strands of nylon fabric making it stringy and if you have ever snagged some of this floss, you have to floss to floss out.

Monofilament Floss. This floss is made up of a single strand or thread and easily gets into the tightest spaces.

Use monofilament floss

A very popular all holistic natural floss is cardamom floss from Amazon

Second, make sure to use the right length and the right fingers

Wrap the ends of an 18-inch to 24-inch piece of floss around your middle fingers.

Once you wrap the floss around your index fingers, you can grab it with your index fingers and thumbs leaving about 3 – 4 inches of the floss exposed.

Use your thumbs when you floss your upper teeth and your index fingers when flossing your bottom teeth.

Third, go clean off the barnacles.

Gently slide the floss between your tooth and the gum line. You should do this gently and with focused love. My dentist gave me the visual of scraping barnacles off of a ship’s hull.

After you slide the floss between your teeth, you should keep the floss snug against the tooth dipping it into the pocket where the bacteria that are messing with your hormones are.

Gently glide the floss down into the pocket until it hits bottom.

Once the floss is at the bottom, move it up and down to scrape the area carefully.

As you are moving up and down, also move the floss back and forth to clean the area even more thoroughly.

Repeat the process between each tooth with a clean piece of floss for each tooth by unraveling the extra floss.

If your gums bleed, you are infected and your gums are slowing down hormone optimization and weight loss. As the bleeding decreases, the infection is being defeated.


I can hear you saying; Really? Doc! You’ve got to be kidding…

I’m being serious about oral hygiene because it is sooo important to have good bacteria working to optimize our hormones.

Our mouths are the front doors.

When you brush, you remove a thin film of bacteria called plaque.

Plaque sticks to your teeth and will eventually cause your teeth to fall out!

How old will you look if you don’t have any teeth?

At your age, it is sooo important to brush your teeth efficiently.

First things first.

Use a great toothbrush.

Choose a toothbrush with that isn’t filled with BPA, like most.

I like bamboo brushes.

Bamboo Brushes on Amazon

It should have a head small enough to easily reach all of your teeth.

You should purchase a new toothbrush every three to four months, or when the bristles start to change shape.

Always rinse your brush after using it.

Store your brush upright and uncovered to keep the brush dry and less appealing to bacteria.

Use A Safe All Natural Toothpaste

I make my own toothpaste.

The reason is that store bought ones use way too many toxic ingredients.

The most toxic kinds of toothpaste to use during Phase TWO are those with fluoride in them.

If you have a malfunctioning thyroid, don’t even think about using a fluoride infused toothpaste.

Fluoride affects the thyroid adversely in many ways.

In fact, fluoride has also been shown to have adverse effects on the immune system and trigger many autoimmune diseases, including autoimmune thyroiditis.

Fluoride negatively affects the thyroid gland by:

  • Poisoning the enzymes in the thyroid gland that produce thyroid hormones; therefore, decreasing them and there go your energy and metabolism.
  • Adversely affecting the thyroid hormone receptors that are found in every cell of your body. Your cells can’t open the door to let the thyroid hormones in.
  • Inhibiting the production of TSH from the pituitary gland. remember TSH is the hormone that your doctors love and it stimulates the thyroid to make more T4, the inactive hormone.
  • Displacing iodine, an essential component of the thyroid hormones.

The thyroid hormone is made up of an amino acid called tyrosine with 4 iodines attached to it. It needs iodine to make its hormones.

I’m sure you know that the government makes a company put on their labels a warning if there is something toxic in their product.

This is what they say about chronic exposure to fluoride:

“Chronic inhalation and ingestion may cause chronic fluoride poisoning (fluorosis) characterized by weight loss, weakness, anemia, brittle bones, and stiff joints. Effects may be delayed. Chronic exposure may cause lung damage. Laboratory experiments have resulted in mutagenic effects. Chronic exposure to fluoride compounds may cause systemic toxicity. Skeletal effects may include bone brittleness, joint stiffness, teeth discoloration, tendon calcification, and osteosclerosis. Animal studies have reported the development of tumors.”

A more familiar warning may be the one you can find on the back of any fluoridated toothpaste.

“If accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a poison control center right away.” !!!

I first started making my own toothpaste after I became frustrated with store-bought brands that had toxic ingredients, including:

  • Sweeteners: Sorbitol, sodium saccharin, and other artificial sweeteners are often used. Remember to live long and be strong, no manmade chemicals, please.
  • Fluoride: This is by far the most controversial toothpaste ingredient. Anyone with thyroid disease must avoid this ingredient or their thyroid just won’t optimize. Many of us have heard of an infant ingesting fluoride toothpaste and having to be rushed to the hospital to have their stomach pumped
  • Triclosan: A chemical used in antibacterial soaps and products. Triclosan was recently found to affect proper heart function in a study at the University of California Davis and the FDA is currently re-evaluating it for safety in human use.
  • Glycerin: Another controversial ingredient, glycerin is found in many kinds of toothpaste. Glycerin can coat teeth and prevent them from benefitting from uptaking minerals. Many have found that it actually turns teeth yellow.
  • Surfactants: Many kinds of toothpaste contain sodium lauryl sulfate, the chemical that makes it foam and lather. It has been shown to cause mouth ulcers and canker sores.
  • Artificial colors/dyes and/or synthetic flavors. No manmade stuff in my body.

After trying just about every concoction to make a safe and beneficial toothpaste, this is what I use today:

I place these ingredients directly onto my toothbrush.

With periodontal disease I add:

  • 2 drops of tea tree essential oil in place of the peppermint oil ( This has a bite to it but is known for effectively killing parasitic bacteria.)
  • In place of the coconut oil, I use Hydrogen Peroxide 3% solution.


The next action we are going to take to control the bacteria in our mouths is the natural treatment for gingivitis and periodontal disease is called oil pulling.

Oil pulling was developed in India thousands of years ago.

It is particularly useful in helping us control our oral bacteria, especially the bugs found within the periodontal pockets.

Research has demonstrated a marked reduction in the levels of the bad bacteria after oil pulling has been performed.

We’ve seen awesome results in our clients who have turned to oil pulling to take control of their periodontal microbiota.

Periodontal disease has been deemed the silent killer due to its close association with heart disease.

If you have heard of oil pulling you have probably heard it performed with coconut oil.

Many of my mentors prefer to use organic sesame oil or organic sunflower oil.

Sesame oil has a high concentration of lignans, polyunsaturated fatty acids and, vitamin E.

Sunflower oil also contains vitamin E, as well as a number of nutrients key to oral health, including vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and trace minerals.

Make sure that Sesame or Sunflower oils are organic and cold- pressed.

Though most that tout oil pulling’s benefits use these 2 oils, I prefer coconut.

It’s on my bathroom sink since I use it as a base for my toothpaste.

So, this is how you do it!

After you floss correctly and brush your teeth with an all natural fluoride free toothpaste, place 1 tablespoon of oil in your mouth and slowly, gently work it.

Do this for 10 to 20 minutes. I do it while I shower.

I make sure to spit out the oil because it is full of the bacteria.

If you find it difficult to rinse your mouth with the oil for the minimum of 10 minutes, don’t worry, just spit it out.

Pointer —> Don’t spit down the drain, it will eventually clog your pipes.

With experience, you will eventually be able to increase the time.

I have heard of people having detox type symptoms after oil pulling.

If you experience side effects, perform oil pulling every other day until you can increase the frequency without side effects.

If you need to lose 30 to 100 pounds?

If you cannot sleep if your life depended on it?

It does…

If your energy levels are on the floor instead of the ceiling…

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Doc Mac


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