Color My World, Food, and Clothes…


Many of my clients have food addictions…
If you could just experience a grown woman cry…
Because she is craving bread, ice cream or chocolate…
You would understand how addictive foods…
Especially carbs are to us, humans.
I want to say…
We all have addictions…
and they are not all bad.
Addictions only become bad…
When they shackle us…
When they control us!
I have found over my lifetime…
And I have had lots of addictions…
And I still do!
That addictions are stops in our natural flow.
When our body, mind or soul is blocked…
Or stagnant…
We end up with a harmful addiction…
That places us in its bondage.
To release you from these addictions…
You must become free.
Most of these addictions are related to fear…
Our binging on food…
Is really nothing more than covering up our fear…
We use food to:
Stuff down our fear…
And the emotions that come with the anxiety of fear…
And the excuse to reward ourselves for being afraid…
And because we fall in love with our fear…
And because you’re afraid of being who you really are…
And because you fear that you do not know enough…
And because we are not connected to our spiritual purpose…
What this comes down to…
Is a blandness…
To help with your addictions…
Bring color into your life.
One of my favorite artists is Romero Britto…
You can see one of his works on top of my bookshelf…
In the video …
Color magically makes blandness…
And Boredom…
I encourage all of you to eat a rainbow of colors in each meal…
And this will help you overcome…
Your food addictions…
And who knows…
it may even help you with all of your addictions.
I promise…
It will make…
Your Hormones, Health, Wealth and Weight…
A little bit closer to optimal.

If you would like to have a conversation with me…

About your food cravings, hormones, weight…

Schedule a FREE conversation by clicking on this link





Doc Mac


© 2018 | Doc Mac, A Hormone and Weight Optimization Coach

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